Thursday, February 23, 2012

The art of the wine glass

Base + Stem + Bowl = Standard Wine Glass.

Why complicate it?  Some of the best memories have been had while drinking champagne out of a styrofoam cup or a fruity pinot noir out of a red plastic cup.  You could eat your filet mignon with a spoon if you had to, but a fork certainly makes for a more enjoyable dining experience, right?  For the same reason, you could actually enjoy your wine more with the right glass.  There is a method to the madness. 

Let's keep it simple for the sake of time.

White Wine
  What ~ The bowl is U-shaped with a more upright side structure.
  Why  ~ This shape allows the wine to stay at a cooler temperature longer while still allowing for the bouquet to be released.
   How ~ Hold the glass by the stem to keep the heat of your hand from warming the wine beyond it's best serving temperature.

Red Wine
   What ~ The bowl is full and round (think fishbowl) 
   Why  ~ This shape allows the bouquet to be fully enjoyed while maximising the surface area of the wine for the purpose of breathing/opening up.
   How  ~ Hold by the bowl to expedite the 'opening-up' process or by the stem.

Specialty/Dessert Wine
   What ~ While the shape of the bowl is not as important, the glass should be smaller in size (think miniature wine glass)
   Why  ~ These types of wine tend to be higher in alcohol, so less is needed.  They tend to have a rather high sugar residual, so less wine is usually consumed.  Finally the smaller glass is designed so that when drunk from, the wine goes directly to the back of the tongue.
   How ~ Where one holds the glass really depends on the suggested temperature that the wine is served at for maximum enjoyment.  The chilled wine should be held by the stem, while a warmer wine can be held by the bowl.

Basic thought regarding ALL glassware for wine enjoyment:
  * Crystal or Glass?
     ~ Crystal will win out everytime for any connoisseur.  Reason being is that crystal has a rough surface that agitates the wine which allows for the release of aromas and flavors.  Crystal's surface also encourages sparkling wines to have more effervescence.

  * Colored or Clear?
     ~ Clear for sure!  Then a wine glass is colored or heavily etched it's difficult to see the the color and clarity of the wine.

  * Cheap or Expensive?
     ~ Expensive is always nice for special occasions, but for everyday drinking buy glasses you can afford to break.  And since we all know breakage will happen, consider buying a few extra just so you can enjoy having a matching set a little longer!


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Raise your glass and offer a toast!

<sigh>  Valentine's Day.  Love.  Romance.  There's no escape thanks to the commercialization of the holiday.  As the old adage dictates though... if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.  Better yet, lead 'em!  Lead them in a toast!

The history of where the concept of toasting is about as varied as what can be said during a toast!  Toasting is traced back to the 17th century, but where, when, how or why is unclear.

A toast is commonly done in honor of a person and/or celebration.  Over the centuries the toast has evolved from from the sincere to the bawdy.  However since today IS Valentine's Day, we'd like to offer up an outline for creating your own memorable toast as well as give you a few faves.

In creating your own toast, first and foremost BE PREPARED!  Unless you are a silver tongued devil that can ad lib easily, you may want to think about who/what you are toasting to and jot down a few notes as to how to say what it is that you want to say.  It's nerve wracking when all eyes are on you!  Secondly, keep your toast SHORT and SWEET.  There are fewer things more awkward than holding your glass in the air while the toaster is going on and on.  Your audience should be listening to what you are saying, not feigning a smile thinking about how tired their arm is getting!  Lastly, like with any speech, do a DRY RUN.  Practice makes perfect.  Of course, if you are not the writer type, you can always defer to a famous quote that suits the situation!  During the toast, follow all the basic speech rules.  Breath, make eye contact, and smile.

Now for some tried and true toasts!

 ~  I love you without knowing how, why, or even from where...
 ~  Real love stories never have endings.
 ~  Where love and wine is concerned, too much is never enough.
 ~  A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.

Now we know there are some of you anti-Valentine's Day folks out there.  Should be going out in protest with friends here's a toast or two worth remembering for the evening:
 ~  LOVE - A form of amnesia when a girl/guy forgets that there are 1.2 other girls/guys in the world..
 ~  Love is in the air?  Ha.  Last time I checked it was actually nitrogen, oxygen, argon and carbon dioxide.
 ~  Marriage is a lottery in which men stake their liberty and women their happiness.

If none of these quote suit your fancy, refer to the link for some more (ahem) traditional toasts.  Be warned, some are rather bawdy :-)  Happy St. Valentine's Day to you and yours!  Cheers!